Our monthly newsletter provides you with detailed information on the latest developments in the load carrier market, the latest products in our range and new functions that make procurement even easier. You will also receive interesting news from our company on the subject of load carriers as well as tips and tricks on how you can effectively optimize your procurement. You can find all this in our free newsletter.
That's not enough for you and you want to be one step ahead of the load carrier market? Then subscribe to our newsletter version with the exclusive price forecast. Thanks to the more than 600 manufacturers and retailers registered with us, we have the largest amount of data on prices for pallets and many other load carriers. This enables us to make accurate forecasts about market developments for load carriers. We want to share this knowledge with you - so that you know today how the industry will develop in the near future. For €29.90 per month, you will receive our price forecast including newsletter. If you want to save even more, then choose the annual subscription for just €299.00. Billing is conveniently done on account. The choice is yours.
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